I loveee Convenience Store Woman and Long Live the Post Horn— have you read any other Hjorth? I can’t wait to find a copy of her newest, If Only! I’ve also had Perfect Days recommended to me a handful of times now, including just yesterday, so this feels like a sign!

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I haven't read any other Hjorth, but this definitely made me want to, it was such a pleasure to read. And I really can't recommend Perfect Days more - hope you seek it out!

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Some of the review of ‘If Only’ I have seen seem like a mixed bag! But I’m excited for it anyway - the cover is amazing

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yess I went and walked in the rain to see Perfect Days in theater and it was maybe one of the best introspective experiences of my year

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the rain! ideal way to experience the movie, bringing the outside world in.

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Long Live the Post Horn! seems interesting!

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Also really liked the way you connected these books to corners of public life - poetic!

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Shut up I just ordered ‘Long Live the Post Horn’ this morning !!!!! Spooky - I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’m really looking forward to reading Hjorth again. Will and Testament knocked me sideways, I was so impressed with how she writes!

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A sign from the universe to read it!! I actually fully had Will and Testament from the library and in my home, but then got waylaid by who knows what and ended up reading Post Horn first. I'm curious how they compare because they seem very different (based on blurbs alone).

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A real sign!!! Oh get to W&T asap I want to hear what you think. I knew I would like it, but was shocked at how much I loved it! They do seem v different, I think the common thread is Hjorth’s interest in human nature? (Taking a stab bc I haven’t read Post Horn yet)

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