i woke up this morning thinking about biography of x, as i have since the day i finished it’s final page. as a uk born + continuing dweller, this is a touching elegy. thank you for your time + the words weaved in it !

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thank you! i truly loved biography of x and maybe some of the comparison here is borne out of a desire to find more books that are somehow both ambitious, BIG - but very focused emotionally (irena rey is not quite as big, but it gets close, imo!)

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Biography of X is one of my most favorite books of recent years. I am at work on a novel and reading Lacey's book felt super liberating... I have the Irena Ray book on my TBR pile and after reading your note about it, I am defining moving it up! Thanks so much!!!

If you enjoy books about translation, I highly recommend Intimacies by Katie Kitamura.

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I loved Intimacies -- it's funny, I hadn't considered how much it was about translation, because I think I was so taken in by the very icy (complimentary!) writing.

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As a big fan of translation / books in translation, the Jennifer Croft has been on my tbr since it was announced, and I’m deep into this year’s season of Love Island —found your comparison to be so unexpected and smart and fun! Excited for future newsletters

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Thank you! It’s hard not to let LI affect (+ infect) everything I read or watch once it has its claws in me, as this season does!

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I love your contrast of these two! I must admit, as a Mallorcan living in the UK I find Love Island such a weird cultural phenomenon. I've only watched scenes here and there to see what it was all about and I hate to confess... I don't get it 😅. On the other hand, I've got a copy of The Extinction of Irena Rey on my shelves and now I'm itching to pick it up!

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i truly can’t imagine watching love island as a mallorcan! the show may as well be on a VR set in a backlot, for all it has to “do” with it’s surroundings. you either succumb to the hypnosis or you’re repulsed by it, i think! hope you enjoy irena rey much more.

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It is certainly an unsettling experience haha

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Laurel wow! I loved this! Dare I say I have never read such a good description of Love Island. I haven’t watched it for a few years now, but it’s reassuring to know that the format remains absolutely the same. Part of the catch is once you’re deep into it, you literally can’t get out.

I read my first Lacey a few months back and have since been really interested in picking up biography of x! And Jennifer Croft is a favourite translator of mine - I’ve been wary of The Extinction of Irena Ray I have to say bc I read such a scathing review (I think on the guardian) and haven’t come across one positive enough to combat it. But this one has! I will endeavour to get round to it soon.

I’m looking forward to more high & low art comparisons to come from you (I’m kidding, we know love island IS high art)

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Oh I'm glad I only saw glowing reviews before! I think the amount someone would "like" it might depend on how much you enjoy writerly indulgence -- it is an indulgent, somewhat circular book (eg, it takes its sweet time going anywhere). Having watched any season of Love Island is good practice. Wow, I'm really keeping this comparison going here -- forgive me Jennifer Croft! Also it has sooo much to say about translation, as a concept, as a practice, and as an industry.

Thank you for your comment! I really enjoy your book reviews!

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Haha I love the continual Love Island comparison - I admire it! Okay noted - I think sometimes writerly indulgence is often hated by critics and reviewers. But I love translation as a concept, practice and industry so I definitely think I should give it a go. Maybe Croft would admire all the LI comparisons.

And thank you, that means a lot!!

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To echo you: we do, always, love a mess x it’s what makes the world go round!

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